Tuesday 20 September 2011

Boris in the Bath

For 3 days there's been a Boris, the size of a small plate, in my bath; hence I'm very smelly and you could fry chips in my hair.  Where are the cats when you need them?  Every time I plucked up enough courage to look, there was Boris, standing in my bath, looking up at me angrily.  He was too big for me to attempt to rescue him but I felt sorry for him so I poured a little water at the opposite end of the bath so at least he wouldn't die of thirst.

Oh joy!  The Caramels were having a mad 5 minutes earlier and Simba followed me up to the bathroom...  I hunkered down and played with him.  I tapped the bath and he came over, almost jumped in, but didn't.  Simba doesn't like to be picked up so I usually respect this.

However, when we repeated the game, several things happened simultaneously:  I tried to pick up Simba and put him in the bath and while he struggled I saw that Boris had come over to the side of the bath.  One of Simba's arms was stretched out and suddenly Boris jumped!!!  I thought he landed on Simba, who meanwhile was legging it out the door while I fell over...

I picked myself up, brushed myself off, and started off downstairs...  AAARRRGH!  Halfway down there was Boris, on my t-shirt...

:) xxx



Gemini and Ichiro said...

HA HA HA!! That would have terrified my human too!

Ivan from WMD said...

OH. MY. COD. Even my mom would have screamed with that!