Yesterday I went to the Eye Hospital for a check-up on how my squint is doing, accompanied, as usual, by my bestest frennid Geoff. My eyes haven't changed much, which is good, though I wish they would improve!
Anyhoo, while in Brighton we did what we usually do - a bit of shopping followed by delicious hot dogs from the stand.
Anyhoo, while in Brighton we did what we usually do - a bit of shopping followed by delicious hot dogs from the stand.
Geoff was bored out of his crust on this occasion because I was choosing lipstick (he hates lipstick!) and since all the shades have changed it took me a long time to choose, especially as Boots had an offer of 3 for the price of 2. Likewise with hair dyes! Eventually, a me chuffed with her bargains and a slightly grumpy Geoff made our way to the hot dog stand. "Whose turn is it to pay?" asked Geoff. "Well, I think it's me," I replied truthfully. Even if it had been Geoff's turn, I think I would have answered the same after what he'd had to endure!
Anyhoo, we enjoyed our lovely, delicious hot dogs and while doing so, noticed how few pigeons there were about begging us for scraps. On a previous occasion, we took these pictures on our mobile phones:
Perhaps the council have done a cull... :(

:) xxx
Good to hear from you!
We've only just started on FB and are having a hard time sorting things out there. Blogging is easier.
We can't match FB mom's names to the kitties as well :(
I'm glad you found some pretty lipsticks!
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