Well, I'm posting them on Wednesday anyway!

I was proud to be on Cap'n Jack, Dante and Fagin's great and seaworthy pirate ship the Black Furrball as a crew member on Meow Like a Pirate Day. We had a wonderful time and they laid on a great feast and lots of grog! We got so much treasure that the Cap'n kindly let us fill our own treasure chests!

I got the Brillante Award from Moe and Mindy of Team Tabby and the I Love Your Cats Award, also from Moe and Mindy and from Omer, who writes a wonderful blog about big cats, Of Cats. Omer is also the Daddy of those lovely cats at ...purrrrs..., Snow, Leo and Fairy. He is taking a bit of time off from blogging to take a big exam. Wish him luck, though I'm sure he is clever enough not to need it:)

Thank you so much guys, I feel so honoured! The I Love Your Cats Award was designed by the talented lady at Purr Prints and her blog and Etsy shop are well worth checking out if you haven't done so already.
I can't think who to nominate for these two awards as I think most of you have received them already (and anyhoo I'd like to nominate evfurryone in the CB plus several others!) but I will nominate the following buddies and if you've already received them, well then, you obviously deserve them doubly, triply, or whatever:)
Standtall (The Activist)
Angel and Taz. Their Mama is due to have her MRI scan today at noon CST. She had to go through hoops to get this appointment and has had a very long wait. I do hope it will show up what's wrong and the doctors can make her all better.
The Kracker Cat Blog.Tom and Sen-Chan
Jeter Harris
Dr. Tweety and da Fab Five.
I don't know what the rules are for either of these awards, but who obeys rules anyhoo, haha!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday:)

Dennis says congrats! Your blog is really purritty.
Dennis is impressed with the whole pirate thing, and wishes he had time...
Congratulations on all your awards! That's excellent!
Congratulations on your awards!
ConCATulashuns on yur awardies! They are furry well-deserved!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Congrats on all your awardies ~ you deserve them all ~ and thanks alot for your kind wishes for the exam..it went well..back now and sitting with Leo who can't stop purring :)
p.s. sending some purrs to Bozo :)
Congratulations on your awards there well deserve :)
Congrats on your awards!!!!!!! I think you deserve them :)
About your Tattle Tail Tuesday, I might have to send Aggie & Kim
(How Clean is Your House) over to your place!!! heehee
Purrs Mickey
Congratulations on all the great awards!
Congratulations and thanks so much for your consideration to my blog!!!
oh mi d-o-g! thank u so much fer dat grate an fabyoolus award. i am so honored!
Congratulations on all your awards, Black Cat! And thank you for handing them off to me! :-)
Congratz on your awards! And to all the new winners.
-Abby & Stygia
Thank you for the award, Black Cat. I feel most honored. I apologize for what must seem like an irredeemable delay, but your award came to me when I was out working in the field - for the first time since I suffered my injury June 12 - and I have had very little time for anything.
Tonight, I post it proudly upon The Kracker Cat blog. Between now and then, I will struggle to decide who to pass it on to.
Also, at almost the same time, I got a couple of other awards and I already intended to give one of them to you, so I will do so.
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