Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Monday, 29 December 2008

Doodle Week: Thursday - Angel (on Monday!)

Better late than never!

Pinky's home, yay! We've been catching up so I'm very behind (again)!

Hope you had a great weekend evfurrybuddy and that if you had to go back to day hunting today it wasn't too hard!

:) xxx

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Santa Claus is Handing Out Gifts in Portugal

Father Christmas has braved the storks...

...and made the children of Portugal happy! "Oh, by the way, the storks tend to make nests on high chimneys which are mainly industrial and not residential so no problem for Santa!" says Pinky.

Doodle Angel will be late I'm afraid, fellow Doodle Weekers. Actually, I'm not sure I know how to doodle an angel!

I hope you're all having a totally bodacious Chrissy Mouse. I know I am!

:) xxx

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Doodle Week: Wednesday - Gingerbread

Doodle Week: Wednesday - Gingerbread

Happy Holly days evfurrybuddy!

Here are some lovely Chrissymouse cards I've received. I was going to make my own this year but somehow, as has been the case for the last squillion years, I just never got round to it... Doh!

Pleeze takes dis card fur you,
our frendzez so true.
We tried sendin' it by emailz
& on da backs of snailz,
but truth be told,
da momee here iz so old,
dats evfun da urlz of da google
didz not speedz dis card to you.

Now some of youz iz on vakashun
across dis great nation
& somez needz our purrz,
so we iz keepin' our crossed toez
evfun when dere iz snowz,
& we hopes dats dis splendid world bringz
health to all, when da cathedral bellz do swing.
(& ringz & ringz & ringz)

Merry Christmouse to all,
Merry Christmouse to thee,
Merry Christmouse from da Fab five,
dat iz two plus three.

We lovez you all (far & near)
& hopes dat you hadz a ball
on da wonder-full & clear,

Oh... & beforez I forgets, Happy New YEAR!!!

Thank you evfurrybuddy!


:) xxx

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Doodle Week: Tuesday - Candy Cane

Doodle Week: Tuesday - Cane Candy:

Click on image to see story.

This is where Pinky is spending Christmas:

Pinky says:

"I hope it doesn't rain and that the stork doesn't kick me out of the nest in the middle of the night! Did you know Storks are protected in Portugal and as they usually nest on top of chimneys or palm trees, if you pull one down, you have to replace it with another! See attached photo of a stork atop a palm tree bang in the middle of Silves town! A couple of other photos for you to show what it's like in winter here!"

Looks great! Amost as bright as the photos he took when he was there in the summer.

Happy, Happy Christmas evfurrybuddy!

:) xxx

Monday, 22 December 2008

Doodle Week: Monday - Trees

It's Doodle Week, yay! Today's theme is trees. Go here to find out more!

With thanks to hellasmultimedia for the Santa Claus hat.

Clip art thanks to Xara Xtreme Pro.

Thanks to my virtual soul mate the lovely Karen Jo (don't worry, no funny feelings here, it's just that we are two people who love cats, yet are sadly uncatted but share other interests too!) for this award:

"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

I would like to pass this award along to:

Angel and Taz
Tamra Maew
Forever Foster
Jan's Funny Farm


Thursday, 18 December 2008


Santander, you're a huge, safe European Bank?


Okay, lend us a squillion £s.


Coz we invested in the above bloke's fund and it turned out to be worthless.

Oh! So did we. You've got more hope of finding a shocking pink millipede or a Ninja cat than getting a loan from us!

What about all us little people who have savings with you or your subsidaries?


Who? Hahahahahahaha!!!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Awards and a Meme

Omer, who writes such great and informative posts on his blog Of Cats, and is also the Daddy of Snow, Leo and Fairy, gave me these lovely awards:

Thank you Omer!

I think just about evfurrybuddy has received these awards by now so if you're one of my nominees, well, it just goes to prove you really have a great blog:

Dennis the Vizsla, Vampy Victor, Dr. Tweety and his siblings and the Momee and Dadee, Miles, Sammy and Billy Sweetfeets and Whicky Wuudler.

I haven't published any rules for either of these awards coz they seem to have got lost in the mists of time! I'm also awarding them jointly coz I'm too bone idle tired to post any more links (having done the ones below first. I'm a bit back-to-front this morning.)!

Faz tagged me for the Sixth Folder Meme. Here are the rules:

Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.

So here's mine. It's very exciting. You may want to sit down and take a deep breath before scrolling down to view this remarkable work of art. Don't take a swig of any beverage before doing so or you may snort it out of your nose. Just a warning.

Sorry Faz... and you thought yours was boring?! This was an experiment in doing my signature for mine bloggie (why, oh why, don't I delete my rejects? Doh). Strictly speaking you could say it isn't a picture coz it's text, but I did "draw" it freehand in my graphics package without using a text font so, there it is! I did have to spiflicate it a bit coz it was just a try out and was in black, so as I have a black background it would have been invisible, lol!

Okeydokey, now for the nominations. I have a feeling nearly evfurrybuddy has done this one so if I've been too lazy forgetful busy to remember and you have done it, please point me in the right direction so I can visit and take a look, coz I think this is a really cool meme and there will be many great pictures out there.

Daisy, Skeezix, Babs Beetle, Zoolatry and Mickey.

Good morning evfurrybuddy! Think I'll go to bed now...



Friday, 12 December 2008

Leaky Eyes

I had an altogether different post planned but I'm too sad. I switched on the computer and TV this evening, settled down to watch Deal or No Deal and check my emails, hoping there would be one from Pinky attaching photos from the Algarve so I could show you where he is and what he's up to. There wasn't one, so I went on to visit blogs. The first one I clicked on was PB&J, only to discover that three kitties had been called to the Bridge on Wednesday! Well, as I read their post my eyes started leaking and as I went to visit the families they leaked more and more... Well, you all know how this is! I'm sure most of you have heard the news, but I'd just like to express my condolences to the families of Skeeter, Cloud Chaser and Kelly. I know how they are hurting. The hurt never really goes away but with time the happy memories come more often than the sad ones and let's face it, would we really want to live without any furbabies in case we suffer heartache when they have to leave us? I don't think so. They enrich our lives and bring us so much joy.

It took me a long time to realise that without the heartbreak, we would not have been able to fully recognise the joy they gave us (and hopefully vice versa).

Oh! I've just received an email telling me that John and Pat of The Good Cats have signed my guestbook. Thank you! I feel really blessed that you would do this at such a time!

My life has been changed by the Cat Blogosphere. There may be heartache, but that just proves how much love there is in this Community. I am honoured (and so is Bozo!) to have been accepted. Thank you!



Sunday, 7 December 2008

Home Alone!

Even as we speak, Pinky is about to depart for Gatport Airwick to fly off and spend Chrissy Mouse with his frennids in Portugal. These are the same frennids he went to stay with in the summer. I thought I had some photos to show you where he'll be, but he must have just brought them over on his "dongle" to show me and not downloaded them to my pooter. It's a lovely place anyway, so hopefully photos will be winging their way through the ether before long!

This will be the first Christmas I've spent alone since my darling Mum died in 2004. I don't mind, I'm a bit of a recluse anyway, and so was Mum, but we always kept in touch by phone, telling each other what we were watching on telly, our culinary disasters (both of us great cooks - not!) and whatever else sprang to mind.

I'm invited to my half-sister's in Canada but I can't do all the travelling stuff, since I can barely do the stairs or walk down to the corner shop without being afraid of falling over (have several times on stairs!)


Monday, 1 December 2008

Monday Movies and Synchronicity

As you probably all both know, I can never keep up to date with all my adoring fans' two readers' blogs because I have far too many in my Bloglines, but I can't bear to delete any coz I love you all! So I kind of stick a proverbial pin in the list (after, hopefully, I have visited all who have kindly left comments for me) and one of those tonight was A Dog and 2 Cats. This is where the synchronicity (or possibly just coincidence) comes in and I think the best way I can demonstrate this is simply to quote the (first) comment I left for them:

"Hello! I clicked your link to watch the squirrel video and got this:
There was a certain synchronicity here as Pinky and I have been looking into waking up our computers over our networks and over the internet when we're not at home, so I clicked on the last link in the list and got this:
In fact Pinky installed stuff on my laptop to enable me to wake up my pc from my laptop today. We tested it several times and it worked perfectly. However, since he went home it hasn't worked! Doh!*
I haven't seen any squerls either, haha!
BTW, the wordy verification thingy is "ulegral". Could this be interpreted as "You all growl"? Oh, I crack myself up!!! :) xxx"

*The boldifying and redenning were not in the original comment but I've now added them to draw Pinky's attention!

Anyhow, I was curious about the squirrels so I went back to YouTube. There are loads of squirrel videos but I came across this one which I think is pretty amazing - and cute!

So then I noticed I had email and my Dad had sent me this:

Okay, okay, I know the "synchronicity" came before the movies but I didn't think that "Synchroniscity and Movie Monday" really worked!


P.S. If you use Firefox, don't use its spell-checker. It will totally screw your post!!!