This is "White Stripe", our most frequent visiting cat. I call him White Stripe because of the white markings under his eyes. He looks like he's wearing war paint (fitting, as you may agree if you read on). He likes to come in, run up and down the climbing pole and play with the catnip mice and other toys. We're all cool with this except when he tries to eat the Caramels' food, when we draw the line. (He's out of luck most of the time because Alfie and Simba don't often leave any food!)
The other night though there were some kibbles left in the bowls. I was in the kitchen when in he sauntered, cool as you please, jumped straight up onto the work surface and started scoffing Alfie's kibbles. I said, "No" firmly, picked him up and put him gently on the floor, whereupon he turned on me and did this:
After saying "Ouch", followed by many words on the Naughty Word List and washing my hands thoroughly, I chased him towards the cat flap. There he stopped, turned and looked up at me defiantly and started to hiss and growl at me! Enter my hero Alfie, all bushed up and screeching like a banshee! He leapt at White Stripe, who beat a hasty retreat through the cat flap!
I thought we had probably seen the last of him, so imagine my surprise when I woke up on Wednesday morning to see White Stripe picking his way along my row of chests of drawers, sniffing everything and knocking the odd book onto the floor as he progressed. When he reached the wall he turned round and went all the way back, finally jumping down. He then went all round the bedroom investigating everything thoroughly, before jumping onto my dressing table, where he sat for some time looking out of the window through the holes that the Caramels have made in the net curtains to facilate their own neighbourhood watches.
I just wish I had had my camera to hand!
Alfie, who was on the bed throughout, just completely ignored him! I think it would have been a different story if he had jumped on the bed...
Incidentally, we haven't seen "Pole Cat" for ages. I think he and White Stripe might be brothers. They are both ginger and white and are about the same size and age. Pole Cat is a gentle, friendly soul, quite different in temperament, though he, too, loves the catnip mice and the climbing pole. I hope he's okay. I can't find a photo of him. I thought I'd taken some but all I can find are pics of White Stripe! Perhaps they're alter-egos of one and the same cat, like Hendrix and Bendrix!
We haven't seen "Scruffy Fluffy" lately either.
Nor "Pretty Lady", who seemed to fancy Simba (with good reason, he's a handsome and tolerant cat).
I hope they're both okay too.

:) xxx
I think that was rather ungrateful of him.
That White Stripe - What a cheeky cat. Hope your other visitors are okay. We're glad that Alfie and Simba are so ready and willing to look after you,
Gypsy & Tasha
ouch! be very careful with that, any sign of infection go right to the docs please.
That was very brave of Alfie to take up for you. But it looks like White Stripe will need to be taught a lesson again.
Now I think that was very nasty of him to do that when you allow him to visit. I am glad Alfie came to your rescue. Naughty white stripe needs a squirt from a water bottle me thinks.. Hugs GJ xx
Wow, that's a lot of drama! Be very careful about those ouchies on your hand, okay?
Once these cats get into rock and roll they lose all sense of perspective. Oh, wait, I'm thinking of a different White Stripes ...
That looks like quite an owie -- hope you're healing up fast!
What a little stinker! Comes by for food and good cheer and then acts all ridiculous. Hopefully your other visitor friends are doing ok.
That certainly wasn't nice of White Stripe to do that you your hand. Wonder what in the heck he was thinking? I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Make a sign at the kittie door that says only nice polite kitties please can enter.
Oh that White Stripe is definitely a character Penny. And a little cute too if I may say so.. but definitely not as handsome as Alfie and Simba. What puretty kitties they both are and it's nice to see you are sharing your life with such royalty now! Sorry I've been away but it's good to be back and visit your blog. I see you've been blogging a little infrequently too, maybe 'coz of these pawesome kitties who must keep you occupied these days. Take care and have a good week. Chin scritches for Simba and Alfie :)
It seems that White Stripe needs a refresher course in Kitty 101 and Kitty 201! You know, the bit about not knocking over things as you walk by, and the thing where you don't scratch Peoples.
White Stripe cannot get by on his good looks alone. I hope he learns his lessons!
Paws 'n Claws,
I forgot what I was going to say after seeing the previous comment!
Thanks Babs! And no, it wasn't darling Rupert's comment, it was some horrid "Anonymous" person. Ugh.
Are there visiting cats strays, ferals? How do you manage to attract so many of them??? =)
Oh Bast dat is not nice of a bisitor!
The mom wishes she had room fer stray kitteh Coco but we has no room fer more right now she says (actually the big male bean didnt want more den us 2 here - heh!)
What a naughty cat White Stwipe is! I hope your hand isn't hurty anymore! How nice to have so many visitors and I do hope evewyone of them are ok even if they haven't been visiting.
that scratch looks serious. Are you all right?
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