Sunday 26 July 2009

R.I.P. David...

Sometimes you have an idea for a blog post and then, suddenly, it is overtaken by other news. This is the case tonight...

A dear friend, David Freeman, has lost his battle with cancer and died. David and Pinky worked together at the BBC for many years. They were friends, both before and after they retired. David leaves a lovely wife, Michaela, in the Czech Republic where they lived together for many years, enjoying their love of, and participation in, early music and the musical instruments that were played many, many years ago, and which they brought to the attention and enjoyment of modern audiences.

I have searched the BBC for pics and info. Zilch. He was a Dubbing Mixer for Bast's sake, his name appeared on many programme credits! As to Early Music in Prague and the Czech Republic, Google has several references but I can't narrow down the ones which David and Michaela were specifically involved in...

...So dear readers, if you didn't know David, you may be yawning. But please bear in mind that our blogs are kind of diaries, so sometimes... well... you know!

:) xxx

Monday 20 July 2009

Mancat Monday

We luff dis plant in owr naybours' garden. We fink it's very mancatly to sniff, sniff, sniff it, but we doan't kno what it is and nyver duz tha Noo Mummy. Can ennywun identificate it fur us pleez?

Heer is a more closeupful pikshur of it and of corse yuo can biggify orl the pikshurs.

:) xxx

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Awards and Ariel... We Hurt

We had these lovel
y awards from our much loved friend Omer:

We love them and feel so honoured! We have literally hundreds of blogs that we love and who we can't get to read as often as we'd like, but who so deserve these awards, so we're sorry but we'm going to do a cop-out and award them to the first nine (9) bloggers who comment (3xawardsx3 recipients=9, innit? Or is it? Doh, maths sux!). We don't know the rules so this is what we've decided. Iffen you already have all or any of these awards, then yay, you have it/them again. Enjoy!

In ovfur news, beautiful Ariel, MaoMao's wife, has deleted her blog and left the Cat Blogosphere forever! Does anycat or bean know why she did this? My eyes are leaking so much. Ariel, we love you, we are hurting...

johnny cash-hurt

:) xxx

Saturday 4 July 2009

The Caramel Cats* Settle In...

We hav now bin wiv tha Noo Mummy fur three wekes and am lyking it heer. She spoyls us heeps and we hav lodes to eet and we sleeps on her’m bed.

She am untidy but we doan't mynd coz she am luffing. Tha Simba and me doan't lyke to be too close togefur, evfun tho the Former Daddy sed we woz furriends and offtin slept togefur. Uncle Pinky finks dis maybee coz afore, we woz yoonited in owr scairtniss of tha dawgs. We doan't noe, orl we noes is thet theer izzen't no dawgs heer, so we'm feels saef wiv tha NM and we haz tiem to sort owt owr hyerk hiarc heerark pekking order. I yam appurrintly tha scairty kitteh but wen it cums to that Simba, I yam tha Boss Cat! Iffen I mete hims fase to fase, I staers at hims and iffen hims doan't bak orf I whaps him! Tha NM tryes to maek peas butwene us and it am werking up to a poynt, but I doan't noe iffen I kan evfur git ovfur mine jellussy wen I sees her luffing on hims, evfun tho he duzzen't attak me wen she am luffing on me. Wot do yuo finks kittehs, iz I owt of order heer?

And naow we hav bin heer long enuff we kan go owtside wen we wonts. In fakt sinse larst Sunday we bin alowd owt so effun tha Simba has stopt distroying stuff wot tha NM put up to stop hims brakeing tha katflapp, tho evfun so him mannajed to brake off tha trimm rownd it, heh heh!

Heer am tha Simba surveying hims handywerk, heh heh!

Tha Simba also likes to trash the trash!

Tho he hazzen’t dun it sinse we woz allowd owt and he am karm now. Too karm! I woz hopeing dat wen he went owt, he wood run awae and leev me to have mine Noo Mummy to mineself. Not so, dang!

Dis yam tha boks wot furmed part of tha barryer. It yam strong and fule of hevvy kutlerry. Tha Simba, evfun tho he yam smorl and littel, mannajed to nok it down and choo tha lidd! Orl tha kutlerry fel owt. Tha NM shood have took a pikshure of that, coz it allmoest maed me prowd of That Simba, heh heh!

Anyhooways, I pwomisst to tell yuo wot happend wen tha NM and tha Unkle Pinky pikked us up frum the Former Dadees. Oah, we laffed and laffed, evfurn tho we woz so nervuss! It woz a klassik manoover... Theer attenshun woz on tha Simba coz he woz stikking hims pors outta tha bars of him's PTU alla tha tiem. Tha Unkle Pinky woz starting tha enjin of tha red masheen on weels and tha NM woz farsenning herm seetbelt, wen, orl of a sudden, tha Unkle Pinky sez, "Alfie's loose!!!" They cood not bileev it coz theer iz no moer than wun inch at tha moast gap wen tha frunt dore of tha PTU iz poosht to its fullist aginst its lethur strapps. Iz I boanless or iz I Alfie Houdini? Heh heh, thay will nevfur noe, coz they didden't hav a flashy boks wiv dem and I arn't telling! I hav allso swarn That Simba to Seekritsee...

I woz not recapsherred eezily. I infliksherd injurrees!

*Thanks to the Ballicai Momma for this title!


Tha Alfie Houdini, hoo as youm kan see, butter wood not melt in tha mouf of, heehee! xxx ooo xxx