This makes me very sad. My nephew and two nieces all sailed on this beautiful tall ship and received part of their education on her. The schooling was good and the experience was wonderful for each of them.

Click the image to take you to the story.
And now for Easy Like Sunday!
Guess who? In he strolled, cool as a cucumber, straight past me and up into the chair! He's been there for a couple of hours now and obviously feels quite at home as he's been fast asleep for most of the time, only waking to change position now and again.
I sort of feel I should discourage him (and I do when I catch him trying to eat the Caramels' food) but he does seem to like our toys and climbing pole so much I haven't got the heart to chuck him out. Besides which, I don't think he gets much affection at home as he doesn't seem to like being petted much.
Hope you're all having a great Sunday, all easy-like!

:) xxx