All we want is a little peace in this world.
Spot the cat taking it easy in the junk stuff:
Have a super easy Sunday evfurrbody!
:) xxx
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Easy Like Sunday
Posted by
Black Cat
8/30/2009 05:17:00 am
miaows or woofs
Labels: Alfie in the "stuff", Easy like Sunday, Timmy Thomas "Why Can't We Live Together?"
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Posted by
Black Cat
8/26/2009 04:18:00 am
miaows or woofs
Labels: Alfie sleeps large, Wordless Wednesday
Friday, 21 August 2009
Unkel Pinky's Purrfday
and then this:

:) xxx
Pee Ess. Pleez vissit Lucy, a sweet noo blogger, kthxbai!
Posted by
Black Cat
8/21/2009 03:14:00 am
miaows or woofs
Labels: Tha Noo Mummy goes "Squeeeeee", The Caramel Cats get closer, Unkel Pinky's Purrfday
Monday, 17 August 2009
Mancat Monday
It's verry manly to wellcum yuor Mum's laetest junk stuff into tha howse by 'dopting it as yuor own...
:) xxx
Posted by
Black Cat
8/17/2009 07:30:00 am
miaows or woofs
Labels: Mancat Monday, stuff
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Wordless Wednesday - a First for Simba!
Posted by
Black Cat
8/13/2009 12:46:00 am
miaows or woofs
Labels: A first - Simba goes up the pole, Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Wordless Wednesday, with words!
Posted by
Black Cat
8/05/2009 08:35:00 pm
miaows or woofs
Labels: Pinky's Ultimate Cat Climbing Pole, Wordless Wednesday
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Thundering Herd of Elephants

Is you still there wiv that flashy boks thingy?

We has been duing Fundering Hurd of Elyfants up and down da stares and up and down da stares and up and down da stares for about an howr dis morning from about harf past just braking dawn. And eech tiem I camed down da stares I went up da pole, HARHARHAR!!!
Da Noo Mummy cudn't get the flashy boks ready kwik enuff eech tiem to get a pikshur of me at da top of da pole, coz I goes up and comes down reelly, reelly farst, but she got dis one, heh heh:

It's blurry coz I was muving so farst!
Da Simba declined to go up da pole coz he am a wimp!
Den after we had tired owrselfs owt,

just a cuppla minnits later the visiting "pole cat" caem in and went up and down da pole and up and down da pole and up and down da pole,

and den he played wiv our catnip meeces! Wot a nurve!

He has da laser eyes

Anyhoo, we has to go now coz da Blogger am givving us greef; it keeps eeting owr tekst and pikshurs and signichers and font deffinishuns and stuff and we dussn' kno why. Da NM have tried to find dem lorst amung the HTML but dem issen't dere ieffur. Doh! Oops, da NM am saying Rood Werds! Cloes yur eers Simba, yuo am too yung fur dis langwije (not that I caer, HARHARHAR!). We had moer pikshurs to show frum dis morning, but we carn't taek any moer aggreevashun, so hav a nise weekend everycat and dawg and hammy and bean and evfurry wun...

for Alfie, whose signature has mysteriously disappeared...
:) xxx