Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
I need a hug. Please could some kitty/ies teleport to my lap and put their furry (or if it’s you, Dragonheart, your lovely smooth) arms round my neck and give me some head buts and cheek rubs. I don’t mind if you’re a bit heavy coz you’re full of turkey or if your tail types cccmmmmmmmmm’’’’’’’’’’’’]]]]]]]]]]]]888888888 (oh, thanks!) some random characters, I just need a hug!
Speaking of Dragonheart, my Dad emailed me a wonderful slide show of Canadian scenes but it’s a .pps file about twenty-eleven megabicycles big so I’m pretty sure Mr. Blogger won’t entertain it. The images are simply stunning.
I’m appalled to see that I haven’t blogged for over a week and a half! I was reminded of this by Diamond. Thanks Diamond! I’ve had lots of ideas for postings when doing something else, but sit me in front of the computer and what do I do? Visit as many friends as I can and then find out I’ve run out of time. So today I’m doing it the other way round, which probably means I won’t get to many of you, for which apologies.
Diamond also suggested I get a Peculiar Aristocratic Title and there it is above. It’s pretty relevant to me too, because the names “Hardy” and “Thomas” have come down through the men of my father’s family over several generations (not always both at once). Being female, I don’t have either of these names, but even so, pretty neat, eh? Oh, and “Incomplete” – erm, in the brain cell department, I believe*.
We don’t, unfortunately, celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.K. (well some do, but in general they aren’t Brits, hehe!) so I haven’t been cooking turkey today, which is just as well because my Evil Oven would most likely have seen it as an excellent opportunity to attack me! So instead I’ve decided to share my Halloween dinner with you:
Pizza with Olive, Feta Cheese and Herb Salad

With “Spooky Soup” (Pumpkin & Pepper)

Served in my Smiley Mug which was a present from my friend Salad Tomato (don’t ask!)I thought the colours were appropriate and the whole lot was delicious. I have to confess, though, that I ate this fine repast a few days before Halloween. Still, it’s the thought that counts…
I’ve been sleeping for England lately and when I awoke at 1.31 p.m. (OK, OK, I know… but I am nocturnal, after all!) today, oh joy! The sun was shining! The first time for about eleventy-thirteen weeks! Weather retrocast for “Sunny Sussex”:
Rain, rain, more rain, pouring rain, rain like thundering herds of elephants were descending from the sky, rain which couldn’t be described as rain coz it was solid sheets of water… OK, you get the picture. So why do I need a hug when today I awoke to sunshine? Because in less than 1½ hours it was nearly dark! All right, if I’d woken up earlier… but I’d still have needed a hug coz I would have been even tireder than I still am, lol!
Finally (“thank Bast for that”, I hear you say) I got the intelligence rating thingie in my side panel from Chase, who is assessed (quite rightly) as Genius. Why am I down there with the undergrads? OK, undergrads must be pretty intelligent and as I never went to college I’m pretty pleased with that assessment, but still… I NEED A HUG!!!
Have a nice one everykitty, everybean and everyotherspecies:)
* It’s just taken me about an hour and nearly 3 bottl glasses of red wine (Californian) to get the photos to go where I wanted them with the words surrounding them in the right places. Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!