About eleventy-nine weeks ago someone tagged me for the Book Meme and I'm ashamed to say that I can't remember who it was, so I've been looking back through the comments to see if I can find it, unfortunately to no avail. What is so mortifying is that I remember commenting on their blog that I would get to it as soon as I could. Then Pinky came and tortured my computer and I couldn't blog for some time. Then I was distracted by trying to get my computer back to rights (still not right), then by having my bloods stolen, etc., etc. (Excuses, excuses!)
Anyhoo, while doing this I came across a couple of really weird comments from the same "Anonymous" back in April. The first was really, really long. I didn't read it all because frankly, not only was it badly written, repetitive and laced with the "F" word, but was blasphemous too. The second one was sort of complimentary to cats in a rather sinister way, but not to cat bloggers. Needless to say I've deleted both comments. The puzzling thing, though, is that I'm like a cat with a new box when it comes to comments. I love getting them and check to see if there have been any more every time the computer goes on. I can only suppose it was added some time after the post during the time my computer was being tortured. There are some very odd people in the world, in my humble opinion for what it is worth (not a lot, lol!).
Anyhoo, the Book Meme:
Here am the Rools, which I have copied from Storm's bloggie:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to Mickey once you have posted it. (I don't think it was Mickey who tagged me but if it was you Mickey dear, my apologies.)
The nearest book to me physically here where I am sitting is about HTML and while it is very informative and helpful, I'm sure most of you know more about HTML than yours truly and, let's face it, it could be a bit boring unless you happen to need it even as you read this. Next nearest are the shelves in my "computer room" (tiny spare bedroom) and I have chosen a book which I've had for a squillion years called "The Book of the Cat", edited by Michael Wright and Sally Walters, designed by Celia Welcomme, original paintings by Peter Warner and published by Pan Books (© 1980 New Leaf Books Ltd).
"Movements by the prey are crucial for maintaining the interest and excitement of the cat, and there may be much patting and prodding to keep the game alive. Even dead prey is sometimes used as a grisly plaything. The cat wil clasp it, roll about with it and wrestle with it as if it were a fellow feline."
No, surely not, hehehe!
I think this has been doing the rounds for some time so I won't tag anyone, but if you haven't played already and would like to, consider yourself tagged! And if whoever tagged me hasn't completely given up on me and reads this, please leave a comment and I will add your link.
Have a great Toesday efurrybody:) xxx
Sorry guys! Shows how scatterbrained I am - I'd actually started drafting a post in Word and had forgotten all about it. Double duhr, lol!!!