Ramses kindly gave me this award:

Ever since I have been wondering who to nominate. This is really difficult because I love so many blogs, even though I can’t get round them all every day, and also I think just about everykitty has received it. So *taking a deep breath* I nominate:
The Ballicai. They always have something interesting to say, post lovely photos and their Meowmy tells great stories.
Tanjuri, Uschi-Swirl and Vladimir. Beautiful cats and beautiful photos which link together to tell the stories of their adventures.
William, because not only do I love his blog, but he was the first blogging cat I came across.
Chase, Kaze and Latte because they are lovely cats and they allow their horsie sister to borrow their blogs from time to time, which is very kind of them.
Rocky the (formerly) Gutter Cat because he rocks!
Katie and Puddy because they have interesting and informative things to say and often delicious food!
I’m not sure how many of these awards I’m allowed to pass on so I hope families won’t mind sharing! I’m sure it must be permissible for those of you with separate blogs (like Marilyn MonREOW and Chase, Kaze and Latte) to post it on each of your blogs.
Thanks to all who have commented on my Evil Oven. Although my blog on Monday was entitled “Black Monday” I actually had quite a good day, despite it being so overcast I had to put the lights on at 1 p.m., until, that is, it got to dinner time… Spilled quite a bit of my dinner on the kitchen floor when transferring it from baking tray to plate… Dropped one of my favourite glasses on the kitchen floor, where it smashed into a squillion pieces. Glass everywhere, I’m still finding more shards! Have I mentioned before that I’m clumsy?! Doh. At least the Evil Oven didn’t attack me that time!
Finally for now, I keep hearing on the news about people having to move out of their homes because of the raging fires in California. I do hope all you blogging kitties and beans and animals in California are okay. My thoughts go out to you.