Sunday 5 April 2015

I'm giving up cooking.  I shall only cook that which can be heated in the microwave.  Lie dormant Evil Oven! Had a cooking malfunction last night. Long short, smoke alarms went off, neighbours gave me a huge amount of help.  I would like to thank my friend and neighbour Kirsty Craghill and her friend Mariela, plus new neighbour on the other side, Clare, for all they did for me.

In other news, the Caramels have been turning red:

You may be able to see the red blob in Simba's ear if you biggify the pic.

Wednesday I was just waking up, rolled onto my back, when Alfie jumped onto me and stood looking down into my face.  "Aaargh" I said.  "What's happened to you?" as I stared up into his red eyelined eyes.  He didn't seem at all discombubulated but nevertheless, I bathed his eyes.  The stuff was very thick and sticky so I couldn't get it all off, but here are some pics of him later:

:) xxx


Jans Funny Farm said...

It has been a long time since your last post. Hope all is well.

Happy EAster.

Unknown said...

Glad to see you Blogging again. xxx