Someone emailed this to me
And I fell about laughing
While saying "SQUEEEEEE!"
Tamra Maew
I thought (still laughing)
Tamra Maew
Is this you?
The End
About eleventy-squillion moons ago I was nominated for two memes by the lovely Furry Fighter, Storm. Sorry it’s taken me so long to do them Stormie!
The "About Me" Meme
The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player than tags 4 or 5 people and post their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you have posted your answer.
1.What was I doing 10 years ago?
Slaving over a hot computer as a legal secretary.
2.What are the 5 things on my to do list for today:
Sleep, read blogs, blog, eat, watch TV.
3. Snacks I enjoy
Cheddar cheese, Stilton cheese, Danish Blue cheese, any cheese, olives, cheese and olives, crisps (occasionally) and oh, did I mention cheese?
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire
I would use most of it to rescue and find forever homes for kitties, woofies, buns and any other animals needing forever homes. With what's left I would buy a house big enough to store all my stuff safely so it would be cat-friendly and I could be adopted by kitties again.
5. Three of my bad habits:
I'm lazy, I smoke and I often drink more wine than the "Nanny State's" recommended "units" (which are so miniscule you might as well not bother, lol!).
6. Five places I have lived:
Plymouth, Germany, Langford, Thornbury, Portslade, here. Oh, that's six. Oh well, who's counting?!
7. Five jobs I have had:
Hairdresser, legal secretary, personal assistant in Legal Aid, legal secretary, legal secretary.
The Three Names Meme
In case you aren’t familiar with The Naming of Cats, in the Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot, we all have three names! So, in this meme, you must link to the originator of the meme (Tara and Kavan), list the following rules, and then tell us:
1. The name that the family uses daily (such as Peter, Agustus, Alonzo, or James)
2. The name that is particular, a name that's peculiar, and more dignified (such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat)
3. What you are doing when you are thinking of the name that only you know, and will never confess (when engaged in rapt contemplation), that deep and inscrutable singular name
1. Penny.
2. Pennsellypops.
3, Drinking wine and smoking!
I think just about everycat has done these memes so I don't know who to nominate, but if you haven't done them and want to, please consider yourself tagged!
Hope you're all having a great Sunday:) xxx