There have been quite a few things to make me thankful lately!
"Black Cat is the Sunday Guest Star
"May 16, 2009 by Cheysuli
Filed under Sunday Guest Star
"One of our favorite humans, Black Cat was our first guesser and got the answer right… well okay, so she guessed several London Parks and one of them was correct. We’ll give it to her!
"'Yay, I’m first! Are you flying over some horsies and riders riding on Rotten Row? I can’t remember what park that’s in - I think it’s Hyde or maybe St. James’s. Anyhoo, it’s in London (nearly forgot to mention that, I’m multi-tasking here, lol!).
'Happy Friday :) xxx'"
This was such a lovely surprise! Thanks Chey!
For the info of those not on Facebook, the picture is my current Facebook profile pic. It was just an experiment really, but I kind of liked it so decided to use it.
Super Comments Award
About this award: "We give and get awards for having a great blog and being a good friend. What I want to award are those people whose comments have meant the world to me. It takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment ... I wanted to recognize some special bloggers whose comments have made such an impact on me. The “You Don’t Say?” Award is awarded to these special bloggers in hope that they will pass the award along to 5 of their best commenters!"
Thank you Hazel of
Hazel says, "I blogged because I was bored. When comments started arriving, I noticed I like it. Then I found interaction with bloggers, and I like it too. Now it's obvious that comments are a major reason why I'm still blogging. I love the responses. It's nice to visit other blogs and find out what's going on in their part of the world. I enjoy the learning I get from blogging. The socialization is a delight.
"Genejosh passed me this Super Comments Award. Thank you, sis for your online friendship. You don't know how pleased I am by your visits and comments on my posts.
"Bloggers whose comments I appreciate may have received this award already. Nevertheless I want to mention them here. They are beautiful people who practice blogging etiquette by visiting or visiting back, and leaving nice comments. Their observations are apt and (in Black Cat's case) helpful. It's a pleasure to have them as commenters on my posts."
I so agree with how Hazel feels. I started blogging because I discovered blogging cats and there were one or two blogs I couldn't comment on because I didn't have a website or blog and/or I needed a Google password. So I got a Google password, and having done so, found I could set up my own blog. I didn't do so for a while, but then I thought, "Why not?" so I did. I didn't think I would have any readers, but was surprised and delighted to be welcomed right from day #1. The rest is history!
So now I'd like to give this award to:
The Zoo and The Crew. These lovely kitty bloggers were my very first commenters on my very first day of blogging.
Daisy. Daisy has hardly missed a day and her comments are always polite, sweet and often informative.
William. William was the first cat blogger I ever came across and I've always loved his comments, his antics and those of his brother and sisters.
Last, but by no means least, Giraffe. She is Boy's and Beethoven's Mummy. The reason I have saved her for last is because she deserves this award much more than I do. I was just the go-between, but she was the one who actually provided the information that Hazel was looking for!
There are so many more bloggers I'd love to pass this award on to, many of whom are far more deserving than I; bloggers who not only leave nice comments, but who hold auctions and appeals to raise money for others in need, such as people with huge vet bills, or have lost their jobs, or... Well, the list goes on. You lovely bloggers know who you are! Perhaps I will wait a while and then nominate another five ::shh, don't tell anyone::. You know what you have to do to get this particular award, don't you? Go on, you know you want to...
I keep coming across more and more great blogs. This means my own commenting is spread more and more thinly but it would be a shame I think to ignore interesting blogs just to have more time to comment on the ones I already read, so I hope you'll all forgive me if I don't visit you as often as I'd like. I know many of you are in the same boat. There just aren't enough hours in the day (or in my case, the night, haha!). I've often seen comments by I Beati on Daisy's blog.I don't know why it's taken me so long to click on her link. Great pictures, cartoons and wise words.She is a sensitive soul and the dog she rescued 14 years ago, who she found on fire on the side of the road (yes, on fire, can you believe such cruelty?) has recently gone to the Bridge after being a wonderful, loving companion for all those years. There are many more I've "found" recently too, many of whom have left comments on my "Wordless Wednesdays". Thanks so much for visiting guys, I really do appreciate it! Crumbs, I've blogged two days running. That's got to be a first. No wonder I'm exhausted!
This was Britain's entry. A beautiful girl with a wonderful voice. She didn't win but I think (and hope) she has a great career before her. Song written by Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and Diane Warren.
Meanwhile my mouse batteries have gone critical and I can't get them out to put new ones in! Aaaarrrgghh!!!
I got this lovely award from Babs on 17th April 2009. Thanks so much Babs! I really do appreciate it, even if it's taken me almost a month to post it! Duhr, where does time go?
I don't know what the "rules" (if any) are, so I will just choose recipients (always difficult!) who are friendly (like I read those who aren't, haha!):
I came across a blog through a comment on Dennis’s blog.She’s lovely, she’s called Penny (my namesake!) and her blog is great. Please visit her; she's got a sicky at the moment, but hopefully only a hairball.
I'm a middle-aged woman who loves animals, especially cats, computers, puzzles, reading blogs, watching camstreams and, well, all sorts of things really!