Some purrples were upset, or disturbed, by my Wordless Wednesday, so perhaps it was in bad taste rather than funny. I have answered some of my commenters, but this is what I said to one:
"I’m so sorry you found my WW scary. I think I may have upset quite a few purrples. Bozo is part of me so he always gets fed well and no cat who has owned me, or will own me, has, or ever will, go hungry! An empty cat bowl in my home is one that is washed and filled straightaway. When Cybil came to me she was overweight and had to go on a diet, but once she knew food was always available, she stopped gromphing it down like there was no tomorrow and grazed gently on her diet food as and when she wanted and lost weight as a result! Ollie and William were with me from kittens and they never went hungry and never got fat."
Sorry! I love cats and would rather go without food myself than let a cat in my care go hungry!
Just saying.

:) xxx